"Holy" tartar buckwheat tea from the heights of the Chinese mountains - the whole truth about Ku Qiao

Tartar buckwheat tea, or Ku Qiao - a pleasant light drink with a shimmering aroma and taste of something creamy, warm and cozy. In addition, a real storehouse of health and youth - tea deservedly takes 5th place in the top ten best health products in the world!

Today we will tell you about a special variety of Healthy Choice tea, which we have been looking for for more than 6 months, and also about how tartar buckwheat tea differs from buckwheat itself.

"Holy" tea from the high mountain Emeishan
Tartar buckwheat tea has been known to the world for 5 thousand years. It was drunk even before it appeared on store shelves.

When choosing a type of tea, we, as always, did not set ourselves simple tasks. And only after half a year of tasting various varieties of Tartar buckwheat from different tea plantations, we found it - the ideal variety of Tatar buckwheat, which is delivered directly from China.

Our tartar buckwheat tea is grown at an altitude of 1500 meters on Mount Emei, which is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhists. It can be said that real "holy" tea is on the shelves of Ukrainians.

Relax-tea with biscuit flavor
Tartar buckwheat tea is based on buckwheat grains, a herbaceous honey plant from the buckwheat family.

It has no bitterness and astringency, a very light, unobtrusive taste and a surprisingly sunny, yellow color of the infusion. A drink with a pleasant sweet-creamy aftertaste and aroma that resembles oatmeal cookies, nuts and sweet spices.

Due to the lack of caffeine in Tatar buckwheat tea, it does not give an invigorating effect, rather, on the contrary, it has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, increases resistance to stress and emotional experiences.

In addition, it is low in calories and goes well with the diet. There are only 30 calories per cup. And the available carbohydrates are absorbed by the body for a long time, leaving a feeling of fullness.

Wellness of health
Tartar buckwheat tea is a unique product. It contains a huge variety of vitamins, among which vitamins A, B, PP and E dominate. Tea is also rich in useful trace elements - calcium and copper, magnesium and potassium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, and this series can be continued indefinitely .

In addition, it contains fiber, protein and flavonoids. Buckwheat tea is especially valued for its high content of rutin (vitamin P), it is almost never found in cereals and is not produced by the body.

The benefits of tartar buckwheat tea:
- makes blood vessels more flexible and elastic
- perfectly relieves swelling during pregnancy
- reduces cholesterol, cleanses of toxins and toxins
- normalizes blood glucose levels
- improves the functioning of the digestive system
- normalizes blood pressure and heart rate , and, in principle, calms the nervous system
- reduces intraocular pressure - useful for those who spend a lot of time in front of gadgets
- stimulates the immune system
- normalizes hormonal levels
- has antioxidant properties.

After such a list, one desire appears - to quickly brew buckwheat tea and be healthy for the rest of your days. But in fact, a clear healing effect can be obtained only with the regular use of this drink.

And someone is better off limiting himself to 1 cup a day. A high degree of blood coagulation and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases are considered a contraindication.

How to brew tea?
Tartar buckwheat tea can be brewed in any container - in a cup, teapot, gaiwan, and even in a French press. But we recommend rinsing it with hot water first. The procedure is well known to lovers of Chinese tea - it allows the drink to open up and make the taste even cleaner and brighter.

The secret formula for the perfect drink:

Take 1-2 tsp. of Healthy choice tartar buckwheat tea, fill a cup with 250 ml of hot water at a temperature of 90-95°C. Insist for 5 minutes. In the meantime, open a box of Healthy Choice cookies or chocolate-covered fruit and enjoy a healthy tea party.

And the best part is that you can brew tartar buckwheat tea 3-4 times. At the same time, its taste and benefits will be revealed even more.

You can add cream, milk, honey, orange, lemon or lime - experiment.

Is tartar buckwheat tea related to buckwheat porridge?
Buckwheat is a distant relative of buckwheat, but it has nothing to do with porridge.

How to determine whether high-quality tartar buckwheat tea or not?
Cut open a tea granule and look at the cut. The granule will be solid, but at the same time porous, heterogeneous. Thanks to this structure, it is possible to quickly and completely brew tea without prolonged infusion. In the case of a different structure, there is reason to doubt the quality of the tea.

Choose reliable manufacturers. And the Healthy Choice team and I are always happy to take care of you, find new healthy desserts and drinks.

Tartar buckwheat tea is a great gift for yourself and your family. Now, more than ever, such simple signs of attention are valued, especially with health care.

You can order or hint at a gift in the "Tea" section.

Take care of yourself❤️
Your Healthy choice
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